My work seeks to forge a connection between the viewer and wildlife, inspired by the deep bond I feel with these animals. I strive for originality by incorporating a range of techniques honed over years of practice in textile design, printmaking, and photography. Some pieces blend digital manipulation within the process, while others subtly integrate written words, remnants of graffiti, symbolism and hand drawn patterns—each element contributing to a more intimate, human connection with the subject.

Botanicals and native plants often serve as supporting elements in my work, giving the animals a sense of abundance, protection, and belonging. Through these layered approaches, I aim to offer a personal, nuanced interpretation of the beauty and vulnerability of the animals I encounter, inviting the viewer to experience them in a new, deeper way.

Animal welfair groups I am proud to support: 
Wildlife Conservation Network | San Fran CA
Wild at Heart Raptor Rescue | Cave Creek AZ
Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program | Langley BC
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center| Scottsdale AZ
Brambly Hedge Rabbit Rescue | Phoenix AZ
The Phoenix Zoo | Phoenix AZ
Wolfwood Refuge | Ignacio CO
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund | International